Evenings are the hardest time, after getting up early

Evenings are the hardest time, after getting up early, working all day it’s so hard to get motivated to do anything but unwind with a few drinks.....Any ideas on ways to make the evenings pass? I’m not hardcore but I definitely have a routine thats got me! I really want to break the cycle!!!

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You say you aren’t “hardcore”. I’m guessing you want to go sober? First thing is to commit to stopping the cycle. We like to reason within ourselves that we really don’t have a problem by comparing our drinking to others who may drink more than us, or reasoning that you never miss work etc.
Breaking the cycle can mean a lot. I’m the type of person that had to drink something at the end of the day. A coffee, a Red Bull, helped at first. Then I had to give up caffeine. That was also tough, so I switched to decaf coffee, hot cocoa or some sparkling water. I found out it was the routine and not so much the substance that helped. Try that and sitting down with a book or listening to music each day. Make that “happy hour” all about you and your relaxation, not about the alcohol.

I have tried and did it for a while sleeping was a bitch! To compound my situation my wife and I separated almost two months ago. That really didn’t help but now I’m adapting talking to a therapist which has been great. My wife had the same routine that was also a problem! I guess we are working drunks :man_shrugging:. Anyway I appreciate your thoughts and ideas and agree I just need to break the routine, so quite at home now I do need to get some music back in my life thanks David

Evenings are hardest for me too. I try to stay busy or at least keep my mind busy. I get home from work and I’m so use to drinking until I go to bed. Now I walk my dog, cook dinner, find something to watch on Netflix, journal, read, literally anything to keep my mind busy so it won’t think about drinking. And when my cravings are bad, I reach out to a sober friend to help talk me off the ledge so to speak. Exercise is also a great things to distract you, something simple.

I hear you feel the same and do the same was really hard during winter! Now that spring is hear I’m hoping things will open up for other distractions!

Me too! I need to do things with other people again!

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Maybe take better care of yourself during the day. Our internal resources get depleted as we go through the day. Holistic. Mind, body, spirit and community. Our body needs food, water. And our minds need tending to as well. Maybe call a sponsor, friend during lunch and talk off some steam. Hope this helps, have a great day! :v:


Yes my job can be very very stressful and that doesn’t help at all

Anyone ever use medications to help with cravings? If so what?

This is a great article.
So Google the Sinclair method
The drug is called naltrexone but it may take awhile to kick in
