Especially true for peanut M&Ms. 😋

Especially true for peanut M&Ms. :yum:

But $5000 can be used to buy many peanut M&Ms!

:rofl::rofl: or fries..

:joy::joy::joy: This is true.

Katie, yes! Arby's, McDonald's, or Chic-Fil-A will be stuffed down my throat. :raised_hands:t5::joy::joy::yum:

Starburst jelly beans. Idk why but I bought a family sized bag for decorating like 5 Easter's :rabbit::hatching_chick: ago and it disappeared in 2 hours.

Oh Lord I totally forgot about those Melissa, they're way too good. I have a bag of regular starburst waiting for me to have a really rough day, they're my favorite

I'm trying to cut sugar but it's so hard with all these addicts around, everyone is eating candy like the world is about to end

I love those Melissa!