Ended a 7 year relationship

Ended a 7 year relationship last night. Hurting pretty bad. I won't relapse and I know I'll get through this but man it hurts. F 2020

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A decision you made, for reasons you feel validated to do! Good…stay sober and move forward! No pain, no gain! Execute your plan of action…find serenity and achieve!! Sobrietybat all cost !!! :pray:t5::muscle:t5::facepunch:t5:

Ended relationships are heart breaking. I remember my 1st one like yesterday. Great job on making the decision to stay sober!

No words to describe a breakup. Get active and learn about you. Take a class and learn something new. Find a new hobby. Go do a discovery flight and see what its like to fly. That's what freedom from addiction is about.

I can only imagine what you’re going through right now. Loss is a hell of an experience to go through, and us sober people don’t have (need) the ”luxury” of escape to get through it. In my experience, I’ve healed from breakups much faster and much more thoroughly in sobriety for the sole fact that I have a better chance of accessing and having compassion for my own emotions. That being said, grieving is and sadness sucks but no feeling lasts forever! This too shall pass.