Emotional withdrawal

I’m so sad and devastated
I want this pain to go away
I feel so much all at once
Hate anger rage sadness hopelessness rejected betrayed confused...
And so much more
Walking away from him is killing me but staying will kill me faster..
it makes me sad to see where our lives have gotten too.. he still wants to be friends but I can no longer watch him love her


Get on ur knees and ask God in prayer to remove all ur feelings and show u guidance through out the day


I agree

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Some times the emotions of life come in a soft rain. Other times it is a full blown typhoon. All we can do is be sure our home is on a good foundation and our boat has no leaks. By that I mean, be sure you have your mental and physical well being on solid ground and your system of support and help are functioning

Look at it as your higher power telling you this is not the right relationship. I held onto the wrong person far to long. Now I have a new bff and am happy. We are like minded and committed to staying sober. Friendship first and who knows what the future holds. I want to find that out one day at a time