During the day, I drink coffee and it helps

During the day, I drink coffee and it helps keep away the urges. What could I drink in the evenings (toughest time)? Do you guys find that mocktails are a good replacement or a dangerous one? Is tea a good idea? Lmk what works for you!

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Hi Bette. As of now, I am only 2 days into sobriety from alcohol, and I too love coffee during the day. I am for the time being staying away from anything I associate with drinking. I do know many recovering alcoholics that do enjoy various mocktails and 0 alcohol beers. They have been sober for a time and have not relapsed because of them. I think ultimately it's a matter of personal choice and your comfort level with your sobriety. If you feel comfortable, you shouldn't have any problems. Tea is also good, not a personal choice of mine, but some herbal tea can actually help you sleep. Hope I helped some. Not much experience here.


A mock tail would.be a bad idea for me.I would just cop an attitude at it and want the real thing.I drink coffee during the day and water at night.In the future I expect to enjoy all the new tasty options now that I do not have a beer in my hand playing block.So much I have not even tasted.The drink was always priority.

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I think I'll wait a little longer before I decide if mocktails are something I can try. I might try tea. I do drink water but I find myself really craving the drink and routine at night and water just doesn't help. I guess that's the name of the game though lol. Thanks for your input guys!!

That varies person to person. It really depends on the mocktail. Some mocktails are drinks without alcohol. Some are just coffee or juice. Ex: if you order a Virgin Bloody Mary you get (spicy) tomato juice with a garnish (pickles, olives, etc). There's nothing wrong with juice. But only you can determine if you're ready for a mocktail.

Sparkling water :droplet: is delicious.

More coffee! Haha, I have it any time of the day but if your not strange like me I like to drink flavored water. Clear american makes some pretty good tasting water with different flavors. Helps me get by

I drink like 2 pots of hot tea in the evening! and a gallon of water a day :blush:

I drink a lot of coffee but I always drank a lot of coffee. I’m also a big tea drinker but also just lots of water.
I don’t have much interest in mocktails, I feel like they’re playing with fire, unless it’s sparkling cider during a celebration. They’re also really expensive most of the time.

In the evening I’d go for tea. Part of it is just the ritual of making it. Peppermint and cinnamon also help sugar cravings.

I just got canned soda for the first time in a while and it reminds me of the actions I took drinking beer.. I'm to the point that trying to mimic booze, I.e. mocktails seems like a really bad idea

Tea in the evening is a habit I’ve been trying to build but for some reason I just can’t get into it lol so I usually end up drinking seltzer 🤷🏼

I drink sparkling water all day and flavored tea in the evenings.