Drugs and alcohol dont fit into the life i want

Drugs and alcohol dont fit into the life i want for ne and my son. How do I stop the cravings. How can i change my way of thinking and stop a relapse before it happens.
Ive been struggling to get sober for a year now and I am still drinking every week.
Sometimes it leads to me using meth. :disappointed_relieved:


Raving may never fully go away, but you will learn how to deal with the days they come. Best way is when the craving comes reach out.

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No i dont

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I'm sorry to hear you struggling. Honestly when I began my new life of sobriety, I sought my doctor's help.
She did give me medicine to reduce cravings. Both revia for cravings and light anti depressant.
None of that will help if you keep teasing your self with as much as a sip of a beer. Every time I had a drink the cravings start all over as if I never quit.
I wish you to give all your heart and soul to the life you deserve, you have. Let your higher power take the wheel.


Everyone on hear has given great advice. I have been sober for a few years. After having those years my husband of 30 years died. He was in the program with me. He was 6 months sober than myself. I got so close to taking a drink and I wanted to die. What worked for me was my higher power all the things I learned about one day at a time, calling people I knew in recovery or texting etc. and learning to pray to my HP. It all works. This time I got to meetings and let people know what was going on. I wish you the best.


Commit yourself to staying clean only for ONE day. Then go to a meeting and commit yourself to stay clean until your next meeting. Rinse and repeat! :grin: You CAN do it!! :heart_eyes: