Drop Your Favorite Recovery Slogans! 😁

Drop Your Favorite Recovery Slogans!

One of the best things about sobriety, IMHO, is the catchy sayings :joy:

My top 3:

  1. Nothing changes if nothing changes
  2. If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten
  3. I didn’t come this far, to only come this far

What are some of your favorites?


Don't quit before the miracle!


A classic!

Is fake it til you make it an AA phrase someone told me this once. I liked it and still use it for alot of different reasons.


I like “do the next right thing” especially now because of frozen 2 lolol I love frozen. I also like “it works if you work it” like recovery is work. We worked to get high/drunk right? Now we work to stay clean and sober ! And boy does it pay off! My first year in I said wowwwww idk about this but years later now I can't believe how much better life has become. Recovery is so good. “We do recover” I like that one too!!


Love that one

Keep it Simple, Stupid


I love all these.

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Trust yourself, the process, and the outcome.

This program turns subpar people into almost humans

It's gonna be good for unexpected reasons

To feel good, do good

Don't drive in your rear view mirror

Surrender to win

Live your way into better thinking

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I like keep it simple… And building off of that, take it one day at a time.

Also an old timer at one of my meetings always says “I'll not drink today and see what happens!”

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You're never alone and keep coming back!

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Gotta have faith!!

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I like that last one!

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My sponsor used to say keep it simple sweetheart bc she felt bad calling me stupid :joy:

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Do the next right thing is one of my all time favorite. It’s really great for people who get overwhelmed by lots of tasks aka me lol

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I think I'm gonna steal that :grin:. Just makes me picture Dolly Parton trying to calm me down :rofl:

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Meeting makers make it

The perfect imagery! :sweat_smile: