Dreams about drinking

Recently I’ve seen someone online start asking about how to relax before bed so she would stop having dreams about drinking. I’ve never really been one to have dreams about my addictions before so I thought it was a weird concept.
Last night I finally had a dream I drank. I remember realizing that it was alcohol, taking a drink and going to take another, immediately remembering I am sober and I spit it out. I woke up panicked because I thought I had just ruined my sobriety but took awhile to realize it was just a dream. I just thought it was so odd because the amount of anxiety I have daily could have easily given me nightmares about my pill and alcohol addiction for years but it’s never happened before last night.

So I’m using that as my top thing I’m thankful for today. It was just a DREAM :purple_heart: and I am still sober!!!


I’ve definitely had those before, and when you wake up you’re just like, “what the fuck was that?!” Lol. That quick transition from panic to relief can be so empowering though. Waking up sober is probably the best gift all of this gives me. To have my mornings back, clear and purposeful. All of the “missing out on the fun at night” quickly gets dissolved when I wake and see the sun start to rise. Proud of you. Stay thankful and smiley and this shit is a cake walk :grimacing::pray:t2:

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Totally normal. Don't be alarmed. If your only dreaming of drinking then you are doing something right.

Just make sure to talk to someone if anything, it's not good to have ideas or whatever and hold it in. Hope all is well

I’ve had dreams where I knowingly break my sobriety. Those are fucking scary.

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