Don't like your mask? Change it 🎭

Your "self" is malleable because it's nothing but the summation of mental programming to form beliefs.⁣

Also, your personality is a learned response from programming.⁣

The word personality is synonymous with the word persona which means "mask, character played by an actor" in Latin.⁣

In other words, your personality isn't permanent.⁣

You're living the identity you've chosen — consciously or unconsciously — and it's probably not the one you really want.⁣

Every person suffering with an addiction has a non-addicted identity waiting to surface.⁣

That said, the question "Who am I?" doesn't really matter.⁣

The question that really matters is... "Who am I becoming?"⁣

You are who you think you are.⁣

And you'll become who you decide to become.⁣

So, if you don't like your mask... change it. :performing_arts: