Does this app really help? Be honest. I’ve always attemped

Does this app really help? Be honest. I’ve always attempted sobriety alone, I just believed I wouldn’t need anybody. I’ve done therapy but never had a community. But obviously that hasn’t helped much so I’m willing to try something new.

What helped me was that I actually found someone really supportive on here, I had to be really open to it though

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Hi Jordan. This app is full of people who have gone through similar struggles and are at varying stages of recovery. Thanks for joining us.

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We’re giving away what was so freely given to us by sharing our experience, strength and hope, we have to give it away in order to keep it……Glad you have joined us.


The app does help, it is a great tool. For me, a strong presence in the rooms of AA and working with a sponsor is what kept me from drinking myself to death. Keep what works and keep trying.

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Yes it does. Ultimately the choice is yours and using any support you can get is a game changer.

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It's a great way to share your experience, strength and hope. My only concern is people may think it's all they need. I doubt the data would support people going it alone by solely using a smart phone.. I chose AA myself and it works for me. For some reason people more and more seem to be hesitant about doing anything other than showing up and then eventually they stop showing up too because nothing really changed. Then they say, AA didn't work for me. LOL
We have to take the action at the advice of people who have recovered. In AA the prescribed program is The 12 Steps. But it is free choice.
Someone once told me, "you can make any decision you want to as long as you can live with the consequences."

I hope you stick around


Thanks for your advice!

Yah thats what im working on building

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I might try AA

It worked for me after I tried everything else.

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Just remember that you're going to meet all kinds in the rooms of AA. Alcoholics come in all different shapes and sizes. Let me know if I can help Jordan. Feel free to ask me anything. I've been at this a long time.