Does the craving ever go away? Almost a year clean

Does the craving ever go away? Almost a year clean and the thought and desire is still there...


Hi Jayme , to be honest it seems like it never does. But the fact that your questioning it obviously your getting craves its normal , but think positive and look how much you accomplish..very proud of you..don't count the days just take it day by got this..I'm here to support you


Now craves can also depends if you're surrounded by it.. if not do whats been working 4 you..we are here for Support


Fades over time as other ways of expressing ourselves become real options as choices for what to do bext

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Every time I see somebody’s liquor cabinet my eyes go to it. I have no control over it. But I don’t want it. Our brains have created and or buried so many memories with it that it’s only natural to make a connection with it when in contact. Wether it’s physical contact or a situation associated with it, the memories are there. We are all different when it comes to how close we can comfortably get to those moments but being a year in, you have the the power to say no! You’ve made it this far. The water’s a lot smoother out here (16mo for me). But will they ever go away? For me, I doubt it. I just know I don’t have the ability to drink in moderation and if I do decide to take that drink, it’s over. Square 1. We got this. Plenty of others here to support you as well. Message me if you’d like. I’m Always looking to make new friends.

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Hi Jayme,

HONEST ANSWER: NO! I say this because now that I'm coming up on 13 years sober, they still show up (sometimes VERY STRONG). BUT, one of the slogans that keep me grounded is "PLAY THE WHOLE TAPE THROUGH"! I use my last day (05/18/08) of using because I remember it so well. The humiliation, the anger towards myself, the PURE EXHAUSTION of hearing "sick and tired of BEING SICK AND TIRED" in my brain. When I relive those feelings, then look at my life in recovery NOW, it's a no brainer that FOR ONCE I made the RIGHT CHOICE to work and live RECOVERY! Enjoy the journey.


I hear you Jayme - about 16 months for me and they still pop up sometimes. But, definitely less frequent and shorter than before. I appreciate the insights the others on this thread posted. I learned a technique called "urge surfing", basically visualizes the urge is a wave but I'm floating on top. The urge may swell, crest, but it will end. Sending good thoughts your way for a peaceful weekend.


I’m 6 years I still have the thought I play the tape forward and realize where it would take me

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After 32 years they do still surface, fewer and farther between. Most situations that brought them up I have defense mechanisms in place so I don't even realize they are there, but when traumatic events happen like family deaths they do surface. Use the tools that work for you to stay sober. You be you, the best you that you can be.



Greg has 32 years of experience that says those are some good words to listen to…

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Thank you guys I think my struggle is o had to move to get sober ... change the people places and things right? I was a meth user for 5 years on the needle for about a year ... I’m 11 months clean... but my struggle is not having any friends or things to do to keep my mind busy... it’s difficult meeting new people in a brand new place ... so I find myself alone in my own thoughts the majority of the time


Go to meetings. Meet like minded people.

I’m 10months and 1 day and struggling with cravings!! Just moved to a new town closer to where I used last , I’ve been to treatment and moved away until recently. I need females to talk to , a support group. Anyone (females only) reading, feel free to add me.

Huge difference between 1 and 2 years for me. Not drinking can become much easier over time. Working steps with a sponsor asking for help and staying connected with friends in recovery are priorities for my spiritual fitness.

Short answer is yes for daily cravings. Took around 9 months for me. After 14 years of continuous sobriety, the thought jumps in once and a while. I get a daily reprieve but I have to maintain spiritual my spiritual condition daily. I can’t stay sober today from yesterday’s actions. Keep on pushing, you can do it.

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For most of us, the cravings never go away. Stay strong, u got this

The obsession decreases with clean time. Also a lot has to do with what you replace your addiction with. CHANGE HAS TO HAPPEN OR NOTHING WILL.

Also it depends on what substance we are talking about. Uppers are hard to kik psychologically.