Does it count if you accidentally had wine at church?

Does it count if you accidentally had wine at church? Does that make me start over? Joking and not joking at the same time.

My instincts says it counts

should have vetted the cup :roll_eyes:. Not upset, not angry. Just annoyed.

Did you just have the one sip?

If you didn't get even a little bit intoxicated and you didn't do it on purpose I definitely wouldn't start your count over. I think a lot of it is intent and results. Like you wouldn't start your count over if you accidentally had wine sauce on chicken or something.

I'm pretty sure that counting your days is important to you, and you're also a man of integrity so you wouldn't want to cheat, but I don't think it's cheating at all to keep your count right where it is. You're doing great and it would be a real crime to let this affect your recovery at all, including something like making yourself pick up a white chip over this. I wouldn't give it another thought at all except to maybe be more mindful of this possibility in the future.

You're doing great man, this isn't even a hiccup.

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honestly, I’m more annoyed at the fact I knew what type of wine it was. Merlot, $10 bottle. it just sucks. I was priding myself on no urges, or having a drop ya know. That being said, I called dibs on Sarah lol

Ok this is sorta funny but not funny but we always knew my dad fell off when we went to church because he'd gulp down the entire cup of wine :joy:

I'm not sure who makes the rules really but I don't believe an accident like that counts.

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I would say no it doesn't count… But I'm with you on being annoyed. That would bother me too. :sweat_smile:

Nah, it doesn't. Whats worse is if you are beating yourself up over it!

It only counts if it is intentional. I would feel more like I broke my sober streak if I willfully drank something I thought had alcohol in it but didn’t, rather than accidentally drinking something I assumed was alc-free.