Does anyone you know question how many drinks you have

does anyone you know, question how many drinks you have had, or question anything you do because they think that you have drank? they think as soon as i have ONE i will start a problem. please reply. :unamused:

I was a fucking ninja at hiding my drinking. People suspected I was drunk but rarely saw me drink.

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I have people that think I'm going to drink if I'm out alone. So I get grilled on my plans and get follow up calls to make sure I'm where I said I'd be. Quite intrusive at times.

I would ask first, are you an alcoholic? If yes, and you have one drink, it will undoubtedly lead to a problem. If the answer is no, think back on your past and why your friend would be saying that. It would seem that they have seen drinking as a problem for you not once, but many times in the past. Happy to chat more.