Does anyone know the best way to get rid of

Does anyone know the best way to get rid of withdrawal itches and shakes? makes me wanna drink more

Sweets. Alcohol is loaded with sugar and that is part of the addiction. I used to mix honey with orange juice. It would help combat the cravings. Just quitting drinking is not enough. You really need to find some AA meeting groups and start attending, hang out with the women and get some phone numbers. Going this alone is a bad idea. You can turn your life around but it's going to take some time and there are going to be a few rough spots. But you're in good company. My last drink was July 5, 2014. If I can do it anyone can do it.
I was a falling-down drunk who had blackouts everyday and required medical attention in order to get through detox. That was not a fun time in my journey to where I'm at now.

I don't know how much you drank everyday but depending on how much you drank you may need medical attention. It's very dangerous to come off of alcohol cold turkey if you are drowning in it every day like I was. They put me on In the beginning our blood pressure is out of whack and coming off of alcohol is hell if you have DT's. If you haven't experienced DT's, trust me you don't want to.

You may be able to receive medications on an outpatient basis, but more serious cases of withdrawal tremor may require hospitalization. If you can be treated in an outpatient setting, you may be taking a benzodiazepine prescription and report to a clinic daily so that medical staff can ensure you are responding well to medications and continuing to improve with no serious complications. Over time, as your body adapts to being without alcohol, medication doses will be reduced.

I don't. Contact your doctor.