Do you have to say this from time?

Have you struggled with letting go of past wrongs?


Oh yes! I can be my worst enemy at times. Forgiving myself and seeing my value can be the hardest thing to do sometimes. Spending time with my Higher Power and coming to believe in who He says I am is my ammunition along with actively working the steps. :call_me_hand:t3:


Yep. Sigh. :confused::weary::pensive:

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Yes, absolutely. It's evidence that I still have a lot to work on. I did another fourth step recently and my sponsor wants me to amend it by including myself on the list this time.


Constantly attacking myself. But remember life is all grey and not black and white.


I agree :+1:. I more time I spend with my HP and the more I frequent meetings recently helps remind me than I am working to be a better me - not all better in one day :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh yeah


My mind can be a flip book of all my past mistakes... I have to remember that was me... but isn't me now.

Yep. That's how it can be for me too. It's like if I start pulling at a thread and then can't stop.

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Yes for sure!

Definitely. But I also know that I’m not my past, I’m not the mistakes I’ve made. I’m a good person and I’m improving myself everyday, as many of us on here are trying to do. So I don’t let the past weigh on me much anymore knowing I’m doing everything in my power to be better than yesterday, on a daily basis.

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I always love that! 'Better' not 'Best' because we all are constantly working on improving. Reminds me that I am not working towards a check mark :heavy_check_mark: done.

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There is no completion. I truly feel everyone has something they can improve upon. Whether it be staying sober or living a healthier life, or learning something new. For me it’s about being a good fiancé and father, being a better man in general. Working towards improvements no matter how incremental or small they may seem, just making yourself better a little bit each day will make a whole lot of difference as time passes. 323 days of sobriety so far and in that time span alone my life has changed drastically. Sure you have the down day here and there for whatever reason, but it just makes the next day even better knowing you pushed on

To add to what I just said, if a relapse happens, it shouldn’t make you forget about all the good you’ve accomplished and all you’ve done to improve yourself. Setbacks happen, continuing on the right course it what truly matters.

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Wow! Cool :sunglasses:, I'm at 330! Pretty close to each other. Same.

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To add to what I just said, if a relapse happens, it shouldn’t make you forget about all the good you’ve accomplished and all you’ve done to improve yourself. Setbacks happen, continuing on the right course it what truly matters. (In my opinion*)

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Great reminder! I was judging myself because I came from a critical household.
Now I'm kinder and more gentle with myself. I love myself in a healthy way. Something else that was discouraged growing up. Glad that's over with.
Love yourselves community and be gentle with yourself.



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Every damn day

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