Do you have a sponsor? Are they helping you stay

Do you have a sponsor? Are they helping you stay sober?

I have a sponsor, I am also a sponsor, I do not keep my sponsee sober but I will help them do the steps, they can check in with me and I often find something to invite them to

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I have had the same sponsor for 25 years. She.guided me thru the 12 steps yet never helped me stay sober. To drink or not was my choice. I used to be a sponsor but health issues got in the way so I had to focus on them. Even tho I have moved away, my sponsor and I still speak about twice a week.

I do. She really helped me through going through the steps and now we keep in touch but don't talk to often because I met her via a Zoom in a different state. I do think it helps and I'm looking forward to meeting new people closer to me in the near future :crossed_fingers: