Disappointment and Hope Disappointment: The inpatient rehab I was hoping to

Disappointment and Hope

Disappointment: The inpatient rehab I was hoping to get into will cost me, including deductible and what my insurance will cover, some $13,000. That is 1/3 my yearly gross income. Can't do it. However, I do have some coinsurance options I'm going to check into. It could still happen.

Hope: I've been totally sober from meth now for over 3 weeks, approaching 4. I've tried to stop many times, get close or stop for a few weeks up to 4 months, then.... But I didn't have good support. I hope this site, and app, will help.

More Hope: I once lo ed my job, but the last year, after the company doubled due to a merger, it became more stressful, they've added more duties, no additional help, and they nickel and dime our overtime. My income actually went down $4000 this year over last.

I discovered a job that is right up my alley, I'm eminently qualified, the compensation is better, and the combination of creative and technical will make my boat sail.

Tomorrow is the second interview. A video interview, one hour, one person. Keep good thoughts for me, 4:30 to 5:30 MT. THIS is what is motivating me to be clean so if they offer I will pass the UA. I've lost one and was not hired for another job due to it.



Good luck I hope ya get it! And good job on the sober time!

Hi Brian!

Thanks for sharing this with us. I love your enthusiasm despite the rough spot you have. You've taught us that we always have something good to look forward to no matter what.

Amanda, I greatly appreciate your reply. I welcome your comments because you seem to have good insights into the posts here.

On a very good note, I ACED THE SECOND INTERVIEW YESTERDAY. I not only spoke to the obvious but was able to dig into the less than obvious reasons, had an instant rapport with the interviewer, laughed but was serious, and passed the test questions with flying colors.

But here is the point... amidst of recovery from meth addiction that has me irritable, tired and unmotivated I'm using this job possibility as my goal and center of focus and excitement. We all need to find reasons to quit, to change behaviors, to have something good and healthy to look forward to. This not only revs me up to show up and move forward, but I'm sure I can pass the UA when it comes time. I'm getting through the worst part of the recovery by putting my attention on something other than survival, finding more dope, and it feels GREAT. I'm beginning to love my life again.

You can too. Just ask what you REALLY WANT IN LIFE. To be there for your kids, or partners, or parents and family. Or to get out of that crappy place you live, or find a new, fresh environment. Or get the job that appreciates you and that is all you love. Or to contribute to the hurting world in which we live, be less of a sponge and be a source of help again.

Just watch for the reasons, make them your new focus, do what you can to break the routines of using and start something different.

Come with me. I'm on a great new journey.


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Just repeat. I can do this!

Absolutely, but also look outside yourself and bury into a good focus for you.


Good luck with your interview you're gonna be great

Absolutely Brian.

I, too, am on a brighter journey. Not only to benefit myself but those I'm connected with.