Digital Wellness in the age of COVID

How do you guys maintain healthy boundaries with your phone/computer/social media now that we’re in this situation where so much of life has gone digital?

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Thats a tough one… since I've been working from home it seems like I can't escape it some times. I make sure to separate my work time from social time… at the start of the pandemic the mostly just bled into each other and I was miserable.

Yeah I feel that. It really bothers me that the first thing I do when I wake up is go on my phone and the last thing I do before I Go to sleep is the same lol

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I actually don't set any boundaries… I just make sure that my phone experience is as positive as I can make it. I'm a big fan of the unfollow or block button if need be. One thing I do make sure is to not read the news to often throughout the day. If you do check your phone first thing in the morning and before bed maybe you can do something positive with that time instead such as start a meditation app instead of going right to social media or news sites first? Or play an online brain game type thing. Hope you don't mind the suggestion.


No I appreciate the suggestion A LOT! I’ve been wracking my brain for what app to replace social media with but I always end up playing Mario Kart then which isn’t great either :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: I think downloading a brain game is an awesome idea