Difficult Trigger

Oh I remember that routine all too well.

I am scared to go camping. I am not ready. I choose not to go, rather than go and spend the whole time obsessing over drinking and not drinking.

Actually I was forced to bc I was in the hospital for 5 months out of last year. So, I don't even want to let myself have one because I don't physically crave them but same slippery slope. I've quit smoking once for 2 1/2 years and 1 time went to a 1/2 pack - pack a day in a week.

For simplicity sake drinking and smoking are so very linked that they just come as a package that I'm not touching again.

Sorry that wasn't helpful. When I did quit that time I used patches but then just done ever try them again :slightly_smiling_face:

When the weather gets nice and I find myself outside more. In the past, I would incorporate drinking into any outdoor activity. Even something as small as stepping out on the back porch.

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Lately, everything. Every time I get in my car I feel the urge to stop at a bar (they're open in my town). While I clean the house/yard, while I write or play guitar, while I work, etc. I think I feel lonely 24/7, but I'm not alone at all. I have SO many amazing humans in my life, and their messages sit in my inbox for weeks, months. Why? Idk. It's just the feeling of longing for something I can't obtain.

Hi Craig. It's OK-you don't have to go. You're making the right choice.

Let's overcome the crippling emotion of fear and just live "I don't want to go camping" instead of "I'm afraid to go camping".

Sunny warm early evenings in the back yard, listening to music, and hanging out.

Maybe I worded things wrong. I love camping. But I associate it with drinking. But I associate everything with drinking. I’m postponing camping until I feel more confident in my ability to enjoy it rather than spend the time craving beer and whiskey.

But I’m nothing but optimistic. I’ve relearned almost every aspect of life without alcohol. So when it’s time for me to camp I’ll be ready.

I understand now. My apologies for my misunderstanding. Optimism is key.

I couldn’t agree more! I literally isolate, all except for family. Thank God for my children, mom, sister, nephews, and niece. We are very close and they know I’m still not comfortable around alcohol.

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I totally understand and agree.
I’m not a runner but I joined a running group for beginners, not only does it take up my time, but I’ve met nice people who may not be in recovery but they choose to lead a healthy lifestyle and it doesn’t even phase them if someone doesn’t drink, it’s almost the norm for the entire group.
P.S. I still hate running, but I am
Getting in better shape as a result.