Did anyone get sober without rehab

Did anyone get sober without rehab when they had the shakes?
I was drinking in the mornings to manage it.
Any tips? If I should talk to a doctor, how do I approach?

Contact a detox center and see if anyone would answer questions about your symptoms. The medical detoxes are for making sure you are safe. Or put a call to your medical facility, they should have answers, but you may have to wait for an answer. There definitely are detox facilities that will readily answer questions though, and most likely won't even ask who you are. The shakes are common and suck!

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Its best to go to detox. Getting locked up did the trick too. Ive only detoxed once on my own. I smoked a bunch of weed for a few days. Then i got into a rehab and went to alot of meetings. It best to go to detox.

Like everyone else said, go to detox if you're getting morning shakes. I was just like you, I had to drink all day just to stay level. I can recommend some places or tell you about the process if you want, or put you in touch with people I trust.