Depression, anxiety, accompanied by addiction(s) are extremely overlooked diseases with

Depression, anxiety, accompanied by addiction(s) are extremely overlooked diseases with an absolute stigma that is almost wiped under the rug by deemed societal norms.
It’s unfathomable to understand if you have never or don’t suffer from such afflictions. And it’s also so profoundly relative from person to person. Thus, being undeniably overlooked and undiagnosed—and in severe cases can unspeakably and tragically lead to people taking their own lives.
The stigma and stereotypes and ignorance to such atrocious diseases make people with such problems feel ostracized, embarrassed, hopeless, helpless, and in turn exacerbates such issues in such an unhealthy way.
If you know people who suffer from substance abuse, anxiety or depression or suicidal thoughts—remember this is not a weakness; in fact it’s often linked to strong intellectual traits, and alternative skill attributes that are extremely rare. However, in addition it’s also a sign of trying to be strong for too long. Often the strongest people are the ones you know zero about because they suffer behind closed doors—often fearing such unwarranted judgment. These types of problems should not be bullied, stereotyped by ignorant insensitive individuals.
There needs to be a much more proactive education by mainstream society on these subjects, as opposed to making assumptions, be unwavering in helping others and being cognizant of signs that could ultimately save lives.
Unfortunately, one of the worst aspects of such diseases—because it’s a psychological issue (not visual) and so particular, it goes undiagnosed because of some of the aforementioned problems. Also, and maybe the worst part—because of people’s ignorance and stereotyping, people leap to the assumptions that you can easily “suck it up”, merely deal with it or look at recovery as failure or weakness. Often in advanced cases it’s obviously profoundly more complicated and needs serious attention just as much as other various ailments you can see from the outside.
Moreover, to briefly expand on people who say “it’s selfish to commit suicide, it’s the easy way out” for those with similar demons; obviously that is absurdly unquantifiable. Doing something so incredibly irrational cannot possibly be “easy”, no matter what their respective afflictions they’re facing. Exactly because you will never be able to justifiably understand their particular afflictions.
So, before you pass judgment on others, maybe think how things affect others and make sure your closets clean before coming to such sophomoric conclusions. Start your own anti-bullying campaign and mental illness and addiction awareness amongst your circle of friends and loved ones.
As that selfless small act of kindness, smile, kind word(s), friendly voice of reason and attention to human detail – paying forward the cycle of positive energy, in an attempt at proactive peace and love that could be profoundly impactful and possibly even save lives, not just “likes” on a post or favorites on a mindless tweet. Make your purpose matter, and be courteous to your fellow man (or woman) regardless of how it may benefit you. As the nicest acts are often not advertised and behind closed doors.
Don’t ever feel alone or like you can’t reach out to someone. Anytime anyone of you needed to talk, at any time, day or night, don’t hesitate—as I’d be there at the drop of a dime, no questions asked for you all.