Depression and resentments

For the past month my depression has really been messing with me bad. I have almost 22 months. I don't feel like a relapse will happen. But from what I have learned that is when relapse happens. I haven't been going to meetings, I can't really talk with my sponsor because he is in the hospital with covid and pneumonia. I completely shut off all social media and disconnected from my network out of resentments I have towards people in the rooms. I went to a meeting last night and two today but they aren't in my area and that's only because I know I can't just sit in my depression and self-pity. I don't even know what to do but I know what I'm doing isnt working...

I’m glad you reached out Ray. Have you been on Loosid before? You can let your feelings out here and get advice. Your not alone. A lot of good people on here. Resentments are hard only on yourself. I have some too. I’ve also been told I hold grudges. We have to be aware of our character defects to work on them. The first step is admitting we have a problem. It was degrading for me. I’m an addict alcoholic I liked smoking weed every day and getting drunk when I could. I should have died in many different car accidents. GOD had a plan for me and never took me. Let’s be friends and chat.

Thanks I appreciate it yeah I'm new here and I have shared today at the meeting how I felt but I guess I still couldn't be completely honest in person. So I figured I'd try to put it a little more detailed here

Being sober is a challenge that consumes us daily.Between our expectations on ourselves.Or others waiting for us to slip.It stresses the mind and body.Keep sharing and fighting.