Deep Thinking

The heavens are as deep as our aspirations are high. So high as a tree aspires to grow, so high it will find an atmosphere suited to it.
Every person should stand for a force witch is perfectly irresistible. How can any person be weak who dares to be at all? Even the tenderest plants force their way up through the hardest earth, and the crevices of rocks; but a person no material power can resist. What a wedge, what a catapult, is an earnest person!!
What can resist them?
It is a momentous fact that a person may be good, or they maybe bad; their life may be true, or it may be false; it may be either a shame or a glory.
The good personbuilds themself up; the bad person destroys themself.
But whatever we do we must do it confidently!!!

----Henry David Thoreau, "Letters To A Spiritual Seeker"

In recovery we lern our truest weakness,' and our truest strength's