Decided to quit the drinking today

Decided to quit the drinking today. I will need help and support in this process, I would appreciate the community to take part. Thanks for your time.


Hey there Wyatt, my name is Kevin I'm a recovering Alcoholic. It's nice to have you join us, good decision to quit drinking. It was the best decision I could've ever made!! Feel free to reach out to have a chat with someone. We are all in this together, and we shall prevail! :pray:


Hi Wyatt. Welcome to Loosid. We're definitely here for you.


:clap: congrats on day two!


Hey yall, thanks. The depression is a pain in the ass.


Hang in there! It gets better I promise!


The depression dissipates with time and distance from all the stuff you want to leave behind. When you first walk away from a mountain all you can see behind you is the mountain. All you can see in front of you is its shadow, but once you get away from it the mountain becomes part of the broader landscape. You can do this.

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There's nothing so bad that a drink can't make it worse.


You got this Wyatt!

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First step the ladder is easy to climb with others help try to hit a AA meeting tonight or virtual plus a lot of people here to help you. Stay strong guys you can do it

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You can do it seek medical treatment

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I stopped 3 days ago it’s gonna be tough but we can do it good luck

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Nice job Wyatt! Is today day 3?

How is it coming Wyatt?

It's coming along ok so far. The weekends is when I get my itch... keeping busy! Thank you for checking up!

I think day 2, though so far so good. The weekends are triggers. So, I'm gonna try and stay busy. Thanks for checking up!

That's the attitude!

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The weekends were triggers for me too. Something about that lack of structure that is typical of the weekday makes it that much tougher to stay on the path. Would it be helpful to come up with a plan for the weekend?

Welcome, I’m 12 days. It is hard, but possible. It’s gets a bit easier every day.

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Yea, it's a busy weekend. Today especially, if I can get through today I'll be fine for the next few days. As long as I am busy! When I was in the military, the weekends were playtime and the habit has been difficult to break. Despite it being nearly 8 years ago it needs to be broken.