Dealing with emotions sober is a huge adjustment

So much time spent using alcohol to numb every emotion. I have read, but was not fully prepared for, how raw they can be!


Some of those emotions will threaten your sobriety real quick if you’re not careful. It sounds like a broken record but get a sponsor and go to meetings. Fear anger and resentment are not good bedfellows.

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I can absolutely see why they could. Thank you for the advice.

The good news is you get your feelings back. The bad news is you get your feelings back. Much of recovery depends on how we deal with life ~ most of us never really tried before. Once clear-headed, try to identify difficult situations ~ e.g. feelings like sad, lonely or bored ~ then focus on getting past them. :call_me_hand:

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I can see why it is both good and bad to get them back!

While it will take practice I do think it will be wonderful in the long run!

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Liquid courage used to be fun, but I am scared of it and detest it

It is. It’s the hardest thing I do to this day, after being in and out for 12 years ... knowing when I’m feeling agitated for some reason ... and either dealing with it straight-up, or avoiding it. Nothing wrong with avoiding troublesome situations, because recovery is hard. I avoid any “battles,” like pointless arguments. It’s like a war strategy: sometimes you gotta retreat, and live to fight another day. :call_me_hand:

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Good to keep in mind!

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I hear ya, Kelsey! Man, my head is sometimes not fun to be in! Alcohol numbs me, and then I wake up feeling those emotions, along with extreme panic from fearing what I've done drunk. I've tried to keep at the forefront of my mind how awful the next day is, and absolutely not worth it. Just for today, girl! :muscle:


Life on life's terms. It's funny I've always heard these little cliches like this but now I actually get their meaning. I hear ya emotions can be intense and overwhelming but thankfully you have communities like this and meetings where you can put those feelings out there and get good direction, counsel and perspective on them. That's a great observation

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I remember that happening to me too, maybe need to talk to your Dr about but, he can help ya figure bout what treatment is best for you, and if it's something that can be helped medically or not, when I started using yrs ago but was to try to just forget about everything weighing me down so I quit taking my meds and quit trying to feel anything really. So once that wears off you realize that there's alot of things you may need to just sit down and talk with someone about. You also have to try to forgive yourself and don't be ashamed for any past decisions, it has led you to wanting to be sober hasn't it? Don't dwell on the past focus on good decisions in the future and Just take baby steps and tell someone if you help, it's ok to ask for help too.

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Agreed! Not worth it at all!

Agreed! So many other times that I've started this journey and the cliches made me eye roll. Here I am no understanding why they're cliches!