Day zero begins now. Brand new to the community, looking

Day zero begins now. Brand new to the community, looking for friends and support.


Always here for a fellow. What’s your drug of choice?

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Alcohol and marijuana

Welcome, you can do it. One day at a time.

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Welcome! I am here for you!

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I’m new too. On day 3. Scared of my destructive urges but determined this time so I joined this app.


Hey, Jeff welcome to the community.

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You made the right move. We are here for you.

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Hi!!! Welcome! Glad your on this journey

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YOU’VE GOT THIS! I am so proud of you!

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Welcome. One day at a time. Keep coming back.

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My drug of choice?
What do you got? LOL

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Push through!!! The first few days you have to take it a minute at a time! #7DaysClean :revolving_hearts: