Day three and all i think about is drinking. From

Day three and all i think about is drinking. From the time i wake up until bedtime. I’m fighting the urges. Any suggestions?

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The first few weeks are the hardest. Take it 1 moment at a time.

What can you do to occupy your mind?

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Or occupy your day so you're not missing your next drink as much?

Those first few weeks were brutal for me. They were hard. I definitely didn't think I would make it.

I surrounded myself with like-minded people. It was hard because I was not a huge people person. I constantly heard that we must stay connected. Connecting with others was hard. Continuing my life down a path of chaos was hard, too. So, I chose my hard, and accepted that connecting with other sober people was best for me.

I needed people to encourage me and tell me I can do this. I needed people who showed me what a healthy life looked like.

I say this to say: find people, learn something new, embrace the sobriety lifestyle to the fullest. Do something so you're not constantly thinking about drinking.

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Find something to occupy your time and your thoughts. It takes time but you will eventually get a handle on what works for you.

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Thank you for your response. Been working out and reading when I’m not working. But I find it bores me bc i usually enjoy a glass of wine while reading. Working on finding a new non drinking hobby. Thank you

Thank you so much for this. Will need to find more sober people

Simply put. Fight the cravings and urges. You’ll start re wiring that brain slowly. Whatever you do don’t drink and find something productive to do or read. Go walking and listen to music. It really does get easier the longer you go I promise

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Thank you so much Nick
Hopefully this time passes sooner than later.

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Absolutely brother, you can have it if you want it

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Go to meetings and meet others dedicated to getting and staying sober.

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Go to a ton of meetings because it will give you hope and support. You have to fill your head with positive stuff to get rid of the negative.

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