Day One ☑️

Day One :ballot_box_with_check:
Tomorrow is the real test.
Wish me luck, the anxiety is already overwhelming.


Pray on it

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But, your doing it!!:+1::+1::+1::+1::pray::pray::pray::pray::kissing::kissing::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:we got this. Thanks Ashley

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The trigger will be getting out of work come 6pm! I can do this! I haven’t got more than 2 nights in a row without alcohol in a long time. I can’t wait to feel even better tomorrow!


Find something new to do after work. Take a walk or grab a snack at a restaurant you've never been to. You got this. :raised_hands:


Hi Ashley! You can do this! I believe in you.

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Thanks so much guys :pray:t3: It’s my oldest son’s birthday today, he turns 11 so we’re probably going to go to the park for a little! Doing cake and something extra fun this weekend!

The encouragement is SO MUCH appreciated, already grateful for this app. Thank you!


You got this! Remember to stay focused!

You got this Ashley, One Day at a Time..

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You can do this! On day 3 myself, and already feels easier than day 2. You can make it over that hump!!


The early days are tough! It gets easier. And it’s totally worth it. Awesome job!

I would suggest writing down why removing alcohol from your life is important to you - what is motivating you, what you have been sacrificing for alcohol, what your drinking has caused that you no longer want to experience, etc. Carry that with you and read it often - especially when you feel triggered.

You'll get a lot of advice, so long as you keep reaching out and some tips will help you, others won't be for you. The important thing is that you consistently put your energy into making positive choices for yourself because you believe that you are worthy of this...because you are!

You got this Ashley!

Good luck

You got this

:sunglasses::sunglasses: good luck

You got this, girl! :muscle:

You got it.

Keep it going. One day at a time. Download the daily reflection app. A great way to start your day

You can do it before you know it the day will be over