Day one. Im terrified

Day one. Im terrified.


Hi, Sam. Being afraid is totally normal. I'm proud of you for facing your fears and doing something that's best for you.

How was Day 1? How's Day 2 so far?

Today is definitely harder than yesterday. Feeling alone and desperate for something to make me feel better. I dont know if I can do this.

Hey Sam, been there man. It’s ok to break up your days in to manageable pieces. Set a goal to make your self study and engage until lunch, and then dinner. Are you going through withdrawals?


First week is usually the hardest. It might seem like an eternity from now, but think where you will be two weeks from now.

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If you have a primary physician, you can go see them and tell them that you are detoxing from alcohol. Mine gave me some meds that helped a ton for the first few days.

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Hu, Sam. I get it. As Ryan stated you should reach out to your MD for recommendations to make this journey easier for you.

You can definitely do this! People do it everyday. The road isn't easy. It will be practically unbearable many days. You'll want to quit.

Quitting is the easy way out. Think about how much you'll gain by getting and staying sober.

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This too shall pass.

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Faith love Hope its goid what your trying to do.

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How was day one? Not quite as scary once you've done it.

I didn't make it. Im ashamed and embarrassed. I realize I set myself up for failure every time. And all this is my fault. I introduced this drug into my home. I thought I was smart by only keeping it at home, between me and my husband. I thought we would stop when it got out of hand and we would support each other. Noone would have to know and my sons life would not be disrupted. Now I am alone in my addiction. He says he doesn't have a problem. He says he will try to support me. Im not sure what he considers to be support because he hasn't even said "you can do this" or "I believe in you." Its clear im on my own. Now what?


Hi, Sam. I'm sorry. You fell, now get up. I know it's desired to get your husband's support. Though you don't have that luxury now it's important to get up without him.

Take charge. Give you and your son the life you need. Go to treatment. Find a sponsor. Attend meetings. Show yourself grace.


Thank you for saying what I need to hear. Ive found a meeting and made an appointment with my doctor.


Try I love my smart recovery group. I go to one in the evening so that when I feel weak during the day I have a reason to stay strong.

And don’t be ashamed! You have a disease, and lots of diseases require different treatments for different people. It’s just a matter of figuring out the medicine that works for you!


Hi Sam. I think you are on the right path.
Meetings help a lot.
And I was told by many old timers that’s it’s not how many times we fall; it’s how many we get up!
You are taking such awesome steps. Be proud.
When you go to mtgs get a desire chip. Hey one every time if you want. I have them every where in my house. In my purse and in my car!!
Remember to be kind to yourself and you have to rake care of YOU to be a good parent to your kiddo.
A phrase that helped me while raising my daughter; Be a role model doe your children!
Big hugs to you!!

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I'm glad you did. Don't give up.

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Stick with it, there are many blessings on this path. :heartpulse:

Were here for you , and you do Got This and Yes you can do looking back..

Day 3 for me. We can do this!