Day one for the thousandth time

Day one for the thousandth time.


Keep going. It's better that you continue attempts at sobriety than none at all.


I will, thank you

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You're welcome Bill. I'm glad you're here and thankful you're trying. Never give up on you.


Day 1
Just for today


Your going to get it


I too did day 1 a thousand times. But it’s up to me if I ever have to do it again.

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Thanks for the support everyone

Chronic relapse is part of my life. There’s a phrase where I live......”if you can’t remember you’re last drunk you haven’t had it yet” that’s bullshit. I’m a blackout drunk. Anyways, my first day sober I said enough is enough and that helps me. Hope it helps you


There’s always a place for you in the rooms (AA/NA) etc don’t forget that. Welcome back

Get a sponsor and a home group

I feel you. I’m at day 14. Been relapsing every few weeks to every few months or so since August of 2019. I wouldn’t wish this disease on anyone.

U got this. All u can do us one day at a time

Me too...keep your head up, you're not alone

If you keep on doing what you've always done you'll keep on getting what you've always gotten. So my question to you is, what are you doing differently this time than you did all the other time before you went out and drank? Are you getting into a program that has a proven track record or are you just coasting along in different directions hoping for the best?

We say keep coming back......I say just stay

I’m right there with you! However I whole heartedly believe it’s possible! So don’t give up!