Day one.... again

Day one.... again. Was sober for 4 years and about a year ago I screwed up. Feeling very disappointed in myself but I’m trying to be kind in the process.


You know it’s possible and we all know you can do it. Congrats on today

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Thank you

Don’t feel disappointed. The 4 years you spend sober still count. This is just a hiccup. Day one of the new you. Very exciting! Enjoy it!


Welcome back

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Don't be too hard on yourself, we all slip up from time to time. Learn from it and keep pushing forward and keep that head up! :grin:

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I’ve had plenty of Day Ones. I haven’t made it a year yet, and I can imagine that hitting the reset button again after having a strong period must hurt.
But the part of you that’s disappointed is the same part that knows your potential.

From a newbie perspective, it’s daunting to see that even the mighty are vulnerable to relapse.
But nonetheless, I admire how long you were going, and I am relieved to see you realign yourself to becoming better.


Me too. I’m trying though

Good luck

Don’t forget it’s a disease. It’s out there doing push-ups the parking lot waiting for you to slip. 


Glad you are back

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I have been struggling with this disease for 30 years, I got clean in 2008 to 2013 from drugs, then thought I could drink...I was wrong. Oddly enough my sober date then, was 3/26/2008 now it’s 3/26/2021...a sign? I believe so. Stay positive, it’s so much easier on this side of things, I have to keep reminding myself of that because my disease is a con artist.

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Yes, be kind to yourself. That definitely helps.

Keep going. Give it your all 1 day at a time.

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Welcome back! Your sobriety knowledge isn’t lost just resetting a clock. Sober time doesn’t define quality of sobriety. Here to help