Day 7 thought it would get easier but dam this

Day 7 thought it would get easier but dam this sucks I just want a drink so bad trying my hardest not to but I feel so sick and weak :sleepy: can’t sleep can’t stay out of the bathroom I’m shaking so bad and feel like I have the flu everything hurts :cry:

I’m on benzos that’s all they’ll give me at the hospital for withdrawing anyway

I have my wife here no sponsor and I wanted to do a medical detox but there’s nothing down here except for going to the hospital getting meds I’ve already been on for years and they send you home

I definitely appreciate it! :pray:

Sometimes we have to play the scene forward. We drink, get drunk, wake up and now we have more guilt to carry around with us. Now we're back to square one. You have to walk through the pain sometimes in the beginning. Try mixing honey with OJ. Anything sweet will curb the cravings because alcohol has a lot of sugar.

Having said that, understand that it's very dangerous to detox from alcohol if you're used to drinking a significant amount every day. If you're feeling anything like disorientation or elevated heart rate you should really go visit a detox center. And I'm here to tell you that it will get better one day at a time if you stay the course.

That's a promise.

Oh, and get to some AA meetings. This is a bad time to be alone. Connect with other AA's and tell them what's going on. They will be glad to help.

I’m trying my hardest even switching to non alcoholic ipas don’t help at all and I’m doing zoom meetings now and I can’t have sugar which is crazy cause I drink so much and it has sugar. I was drinking up to a 24 pack of Guinness a day and or a bottle of whiskey a day now nothing. There’s no detox down here that takes my insurance they told me to go to the hospital which I did and they gave me Xanax and I’m already on them for the past 4 years prescribed

Okay well I don't know where "down here" is at but did you check out the meeting guide app that I just sent you?

Yes, you drank a lot. Same here.
There's no way I was able to safely detox on my own. Mine required treatment for sure. You might have to do some research and find out if there are any treatment centers out there at a distance that will just take you without insurance. One thing's for sure, you can't keep going on the way you are. Something's going to have to give so you may have to make some very serious changes in order to get yourself into a detox center.

When I went into my last treatment center, I didn't have any insurance. It took a few days but I finally got a call from them informing me that they had a bed if I wanted it.

Going in there saved my life. And Alcoholics Anonymous saved my life. You could try calling a 24-hour AA hotline and see if you can get some help that way.

They may give you some better suggestions.

I hate to say this to you but until you get some help pay attention to what your body is telling you. If you feel like you're starting to get some serious elevated blood pressure or shakes or anything like that, you might want to postpone detox until you can get in to a safe haven.

Maybe you can find someone that you can trust that can stay with you for a while until you can get through this and get checked in somewhere. Don't take my words litely. You need help. And it will be worth it.
Also, most Alcoholics needing help in the beginning hardly work much less insurance so there has to be somewhere.

When I went into treatment back in 2002 I was drinking just about 1.75 Litres of vodka a day.

And if you're living anywhere near Hollywood Florida as it states in your profile there are tons of meetings around there. I checked with the app that I sent you. If you get with some other AA members at those meetings they will be glad to assist you in taking the next step.

How's it going Shawn?
Have you made any calls to detox?
Gone to AA meetings and met people?