Day 6...✔️

Time sure slows down during happy hour hours when I would usually enjoy a glass of wine! :grimacing:


It gets so much better , hang in there if for no other reason than to see , much love & respect

Congrats on Day 6.

The longer you practice the easier it'll get.

You don't have to rob yourself of happy hour. You can enjoy ice cream, your favorite sparkling water, or even tacos. Happy Hour just brings on a new meaning when we're sober. It's different and that's totally acceptable.

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Find something to occupy your time during happy hour.

When I first quit it was the same. Everyday around the time I started drinking I would get anxious and wound up. Knowing why helps in dealing with it. After a little while it got to that only happening on Friday. Now I am 150 days sober and that seems to have gone away for the most part. So it does get easier.

Find something new to do... something positive. Read a book, exercise, take a walk, call your sponsor... work through the dangerous triggers and they will become easier

I wanted a glass of wine so badly tonight. But it never stops at 1 .. end up 2 bottles .. Tonight I will eat make and cheese . Comfort food

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:raised_hands:t6: Mac and cheese. Delicious. I add a little season salt or Cajun seasoning to Mac and cheese. So good.