Day 54 still sober

Had a falling out yesterday with a friend I’ve known for years. He came at me sideways about a favor I was trying to do for him. I just said I didn’t appreciate how he was coming at me and if he couldn’t wait then forget it. Then he went off telling me to fuck off and all the hurtful shit he could think of and how I owe him this and that. I paused like it says in the book. I don’t need to buy into his problems and let them become mine. My higher power wants me to be patient with those who wrong me. If he really values our friendship that little and feels like he can disrespect me than good riddance! Never would’ve been able to control my reaction to something like this before getting sober. Just wanted to share this somewhere and get it off my chest.

Hope everyone has a good and sober day!


Thanks for sharing your story with us. Kudos for keeping your cool and connecting it to the benefits of sobriety. It's never easy fighting with friends, but maybe was a reason or seasonal friendship. Be well and keep it up!

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