Day 4: have beer in the fridge from friends who

Day 4: have beer in the fridge from friends who left them here but I will not have any! Today is my day!


Congrats on Day 4.

Throw those beers out.

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Throw them out!

Already did because of y’all!


Tell friends to take their booze with them or their not friends.

Glad you made it past that test of your sobriety.

I'm glad you did, Jason. Proud of you.


Very proud of you. Pour them beers out!

Nooo...I love beets.

Congrats Jason, Glad you threw them out.. hang in there , And yes its your day

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Lol totally meant beers. Even tho I'm not a fan of beets either.

If you have a problem with alcohol, you are tempting fate.
And if you keep "friends" around that drink you're going to have a hard time stopping entirely. We have to change the people we hang out with and the places we hang out at.
You should get to an AA meeting today, find a sponsor or a co-sponsor.

Congrats! So proud, you got this :metal:t2: