Day 39 and I’m just in rage mode

Dunno why. Just am pissed at everything. I hate everyone and everything. Still sober for whatever that’s worth


Hang in there Mila, I’ve had lots of moments like that too, and it does get exhausting when you feel like you wanna just explode at every little thing, and I’ve even had to apologize to my daughter and husband for my words of explosive anger towards them for no good reason, but it happens to all of us I believe. Life is a struggle, and Recovery is as well. But you’ll get through this, good luck :+1:t3:, I’m here if ya feel like ya wanna chat.

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it is said that anger, depression and similar negatively polarized emotions could be indications from our psyche that we are either doing something or not doing something that puts us out of alignment with ourselves. i have found myself “angry with the way things are” as well, so no judgment. however, perhaps there’s a hidden voice somewhere deep down that is asking to be acknowledged about something? that question has helped me out of many difficult situations. don’t forget to congratulate yourself for staying true to your promise of sobriety. the worth of that is a life of freedom​:v::heart:


I can relate. Kinda wish mine was rage cuz I just wanna cry and be sad. So sick of it.

Sigh. I need to find some kind of recovery for people not built to do the shit people do in recovery LOL I wonder what that would be called (prolly called relapse)

Perfect caption! Some times we’re a little bit off and still being sober is a great accomplishment

Good Morning Mila,

It is natural to look for the easier, softer way. People who drink like I did found that 12 steps was just that.

Recovery is giving up 1 thing so that you can have everything else.
Addiction is giving up everything so that you can have the 1 thing that is killing you.
Don’t listen to your brain when you’re first getting clean. It is only lying to you to protect your addiction.

Mila I am going back and forth from anger to tear jerking gratitude. You are sober still and that is worth a lot and you are worth even more. Breathe, journal, scream, tip something up. But please for yourself, don't drink

I still go through intense moments or days with extreme rage. I think its something we go through at times. I think its important to let yourself be angry or to rage as long as its in a healthy way. For me its not enough to just scream or punch a pillow, I had to break something or smash something to feel better. I found alternatives so no one around me or myself gets hurt. I could break a plate or something with no one around and in a safe place where i can pick it up after. I can kickbox or run. What really helped me was painting or drawing. Not in a skillful way. I bought these big gallons of tempra paint and poster boards and would splatter paint and dump paint all over the poster boards while listening to heavy metal or songs that help me understand my feelings. Please dont feel like you cannot be mad or that its silly. These emotions need to be expressed and let out of our body because we supressed them for so long with drinking or for whatever other reason. Its important to find a healthy way to let that out

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Keep going to meetings. Share about it. Listen. Process it with your Sponsor. Write about it

I’ve been there. As with all things it will be temporary. Find something to burn stress and anger. It helps

I was in your shoes, too. I know exactly how you feel. Based on our feelings and other posts I've read I am sure this is common at first...even years later.

Get into meetings and find sober friends to help you through this.

Kudos on staying sober anyway.

Keep going! This is normal. I felt that way 2 weeks ago, and I’m doing so much better this week. I’m so proud of you for staying sober and reaching out for help instead :revolving_hearts: Keep coming back!

I feel the same. Sober date is June 4th

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