Day 3 I really need to do something to keep

Day 3 I really need to do something to keep my mind off this

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Do you have any hobbies…. Do you like to work out, cook, read? How's the weather is it warm enough to go for a hike?


I second the Zoom meetings or exercise. Don't stay inside and isolate. The more you can be around other sober people or outside the house away from triggers, the better. That's one of the reasons inpatient treatment is so helpful, they just put you in a comfortable environment away from triggers where you have to leave your room and be around other people.

Even what you're doing now can be helpful, I'm adding you if you want to DM me and talk


It's raining as of right now and and Im currently trying to get in shape don't really know where to go from there any suggestions from very small town one no gyms are anything like that just very small town Usa

Research some exercise routines online and make up a personal fitness program for yourself for the week and make music playlists for each work out. What about building something. I know a few friends that feel better when they're working with their hands. :thinking:


I'm new to all this I really don't even know anything about meetings it's. Hard even talking about this it's just out of the nrm but maybe that's what I need

This might sound corny bc im a stranger but I’m proud of you for coming on this app and posting this instead of drinking or using. reaching out even just to let others know what you’re thinking and feeling is so helpful.

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Hey Derek: One does not have to be any kind of “expert” to go to a 12 Step, Zoom meeting. I promise you that. WE welcome people who are new with open arms!! Also, it's anonymous, so you don't have to show your face or name. Nor does it cost anything! You just need access to the internet and some willingness. I also sincerely think that you will find others like you or me going through the same feelings and /or situations. I've and many others have been attending meetings for years. Anyway, I just wanted to support you and anyone else. Thank-you.