Day 3 and I had a family tragedy

Day 3 and I had a family tragedy
I cant stand seeing how heart broken everyone is
Really need a drink actually have one but haven't drank it
Should I feel guilty or feel like it's okay to start over

There will always be tragedies. Put the drink down, pour it down the drain. Let there be a day 4. I'm sorry about the tragedy whatever it was.


I’m sorry that you’ve had a family tragedy. I can’t imagine what you’re going through, I’m sure no one can. Commend yourself for getting to day 3! For me, when going down the right path and doing good, awful things tend to happen around me that are out of my control. I personally just say the serenity prayer and remind myself that my sobriety is within my control, and that the universe is testing my mettle. I wish you all the best and if you ever need to talk or vent, I’m here.

I'm sorry.