Day 3 alcohol free and I fucked up. My ex

Day 3 alcohol free and I fucked up. My newly found out, heroin / crack / every drug addicted ex boyfriends family showed up from out of state (I’m their only contact) for an impromptu intervention at my house as I was working from home. I made it through yesterday. But right now I’m 5 fireball nips deep and half a bottle of wine. Apparently , he has coupled with another heroin addict (not surprised) and is living at a trap house with her (also not surprised) but his brother confirmed it was a woman who recently attacked me and beat me the f up , attacked me outdoors in that area . I’m mAy come across as naive—but I really had no idea he’d stoop so low and ruin our friendship and bond to mess of a woman who has HARMED me. I have tried my anxiety meds , reaching to my therapist as well as multiple sober supports ... I just couldn’t do it. Nothing worked today. Except the liquor. And honestly I don’t feel anything about my drinking right now. And that scares me. Help , please .


First thing first. Put down the bottle. There is nothing so bad that alcohol can't make it worse. Find a meeting and get around somepeople who will help you. If you have to go check in to a hospital on a 72 hr, it would be better than a relapse. You can fight through this. I know you can because you reached out for help. Keep reaching till you make it.


Go to a live meeting. If that won’t work get on zoom. Stop drinking. Take help that’s offered. The actions of others don’t control you. Their addictions and crimes aren’t relieved by your intoxication.

Remember where getting drunk ends up.

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I can stop drinking . Fortunately a friend is coming over tonight and is happy to let me vent. Does anyone have any links they can send me for Alan on or AA zoom meetings ? I really am happy to start. I have an individual therapist but group would help a lot

Also here in app is a telehelp section. There is people you can call there.

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Thank you !

It’s right? That’s what I get on.

Girl all you have to do is keep showing up no matter how you feel and how much you have drank. Call ppl in AA. Let us ppl in AA love you till you can love you self kind of thing.

Personally for me I literally had to get to a situation to where I didn’t want to die and I was scared my liver was really fucked up therefore I looked up health stuff online and then I had a serious talk with my mother and then I started reaching out to the people I’ve known in AA (in the past when I attempted to try the AA program) and continue to reach out to them until I could come to AA and do all of the five steps on my own. And now my higher power is my number one priority in my life every day when I wake up & when I lay my head down to bed.

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Keep pushing forward. Play the tape out all the way. We tend to stop the tape during the drinking and fun but play it out and watch the after math. It’s not worth the headaches and the issues we tend to pile up on top of the ones we already have

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