Day 2 ๐Ÿ˜Š

Todayโ€™s day 2 of my being sober this time around. Feeling really hopeful & proud of my decision. Hoping I make it through today because while I would sometimes go a day without (due to being too hungover to want to drink) 2 days is a rarity.


You did the first hard step yesterday .. today should be no diffrent try to stay doing something all day keep your mind busy on other things.. i understand the feeling when not drinking for 2 days because of the bad hangover. Swearing that you wont drink like that again .. just hang in there you are able to do this its not easy but its not impossible..

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You can do this. Find a meeting. Get connected.

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Thank you. Things pretty much came to a head for me the other day when I found myself going to my therapy appointment under the influence and then lying straight to my therapistโ€™s face about my alcohol use. That isnโ€™t who I am, I hate how this disease has taken over my life

Rooting for you, Allie! Keep it up

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You got this!

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Congratulations :tada:

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