Day 2 seems longer than day 1 mehhh ... Anyone

Day 2 seems longer than Day 1 mehhh ... Anyone a young Mom with Past Trauma ... ADHD... Depression & Anxiety?Red Wine took those emotions away and I’m scared to deal with them when they appear out of no where. Feeling bored and Sad .. I wish I could find a clone of me that is going through the exact same situation.. I am the youngest mom I know so far in my kids circle of friends I feel so out of place ..

Ashleigh, you're thinking is going to be a little bit out of whack for a while. So don't take anything too serious. This is a very difficult time in your recovery. I promise you that it will get better. Quality sobriety takes time. I like to say, it's ten miles into the woods and ten miles back out. Did you read what I posted in one of your earlier post? It comes from What's called the doctor's opinion in the big book of AA. Depression has become a very popular word these days but hanging around long enough most of us find out that we're not truly depressed. The medical community tried to tell me that I was clinically depressed and they prescribed antidepressants for me. I have Aviation interests and I have to take a physical in order to maintain what's called a medical card. If I have to take anti-depressants I'm temporarily disqualified from qualifying for my medical card. When I found this out I immediately got off of the antidepressants as I had only been on them for a couple of weeks. That was all the way back in 2003 and I seem to be doing just fine without any medication.


I too was an extremely young mom and suffered a traumatic accident that left me terrorized for many years...hence the drinking. Wine kept me from having to feel things. The first few days are super hard in sobriety love, but it gets better than u can ever imagine if u work your program with a sponsor and surround yourself with sober people. I got sober right before the pandemic. That was tough, us alcoholics do our best drinking in isolation :roll_eyes:. These feelings will pass! Just for today please don't drink! I'm here if u need to talk


thank you so much for sharing! I truly appreciate you taking the time to share your experience I always wonder if i truly need this medication or I just need to face it head on.. I hope it works well for you to achieve your goals without being “ clinically depressed” and yes it is a term constantly thrown out there and always has a stigma. I’m still unsure if I belong in the program or an alcoholic but sign are leading towards that way .. I am so thankful to have this support group to keep me stable as I find the rite path. Peace & Love :heart:

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Heather thank you for responding and yes the wine definitely worked to keep the pain away and mask my trauma. I am sorry for whatever you had to endure but I feel safe reading all the love and support. My husband has been in the program for 7 yrs so sometimes I get resentful of AA .. but I do know I need to find sober friends and positive outlets when things get bad. Thank you and praying for your continued strength :rainbow::cherry_blossom::blossom:

Jessica thank you so much for your support I know we have all been through a tough journey to even get to this point in our lives. Covid changed a lot of peoples perspectives on life and clearly God was calling to you during one of the most difficult times to remain sober. I am so proud of you and I am sure rehab was an amazing experience! Friendships that you will never forget! I have a Sponsoring mind for sure ... my follow through on the other hand needs some work LOL I am on meds and seeing a therapist but Unfortunately it is telehealth which doesn’t work well for me I need face-to-face so I’m patiently waiting for that your story is truly inspirational thank you so much

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Heather I replied to you but it’s a couple comments down lol thank you :pray:t3::relaxed::cherry_blossom::rainbow::blossom:

Plenty of clones in recovery have lived where you are at. That’s how recovery support works.

Local involvement in the fellowship of AA is a great place to build support...they may not be an exact clone but we look for similarities not differences!