Day 2 of sobriety

Day 2 of sobriety. I have tried and failed so many times. But this time seems different. I am so tired emotionally and physically. I pray for strength.


Praying, keep praying. Is a very good place to start.


Remember, this is an incremental process. A moment at a time.


Keep praying Stephanie. Each time you fall get up again. If you're doing the same thing over and over and you're not succeeding you need to do something different. What have you been doing to stay sober?

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You got this … I’m Day 1 myself.

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Well the only thing different is I finally opened up to my husband. Cried my eyes out and asked him to help me. The only person who ever knew was my bestfriend. Its hard for me to tell anyone else cause I'm so embarrassed and ashamed.


Embarrassment and shame is a big hindrance. I'm glad you were able to move past those feelings and get help.

I know I've been feeling better ever since I let go of shame.

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I'm on day 3 myself. Keep it up! My biggest challenge will be Sat. Taking my daughter to a daddy and me Nutcracker dance and meeting with friends before hand at dinner. This will be my first real test since they all drink. One day at a time.


Hi, Kevin. Congrats on Day 3. Don't be embarrassed to have non-alcoholic. Be honest. Tell them you're sober and you don't want to drink alcohol around your daughter.

Radical move here: Call or tell someone at the restaurant to NOT allow you to order a drink. It’s an extreme accountability measure; discipline is making a contract with your mind, first.

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It takes what it takes to get us willing. Alcohol and drugs beat us into a state of willingness.

Very good Stephanie. Was your husband supportive?

Day 1 for me you got this i pray I stay strong as well

Oh, that's a good idea!

theres a big book with all the answers. If you need help finding it let me know