Day 2 of sobriety! 🥳

Day 2 of sobriety!! :partying_face:


Awesome. Keep up the great work.

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Wonderful. You are doing great.

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Great job taking one day at a time

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Your the most important person in our fellowship I’m right here if you need to talk ok

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Cmon son a Brooklyn rep, u got this sobriety in check

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Amazing! You got this :muscle:t3:

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Thank you!! :heart:

How do you know I'm from BK??

Thank you! That means a lot :heart:

Thank you!! :heart::heart:

I can see the fuckn attitude from fuckn Peekskill babygirl lol!!:wink:

You're the best, thank you! I got this!! :revolving_hearts:

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I’m not “the best” n it says Brooklyn on ur shirt!

Lol, oh yeah, it totally does. Well, maybe not "the best", but definitely a cool dude. You're here in this app supporting a stranger, which is pretty cool according to me :slight_smile:

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Also from what I see n can ascertain from one’s profile, Tats n Piercings r .. first off DOPE but more importantly a passion or interest that can perhaps fill a void

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Filling the void is the ultimate goal, yes.

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My pleasure YOU mean EVERYTHING to us!! YA DIG!!?