Day 2 no alcohol :) once the pandemic hit

Day 2 no alcohol :slight_smile: once the pandemic hit I began drinking 3-5 times a week and binging. Hard alcohol, wine all in the same sitting. It caused me to gain weight , lose sleep and just overall unhappy. Starting arguments or over sharing things that caused me embarrassment. I’m ready to make a change! I also started a free program called the The alcohol experiment. It’s an app and it’s awesome if anyone wants extra support and accountability. Anyways , here’s to day 2! Hope you all have an amazing day!


Alessandra, Congratulations to your commitment, & self awareness! Keep it going! My prayers, & support are with you! All The Best, God Bless, Love Peter :pray::heart:

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Day 2!!!!

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Awesome keep it up. You have a wonderful day as well

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You are definitely not alone. I know quite a few “pandemic alcoholics” but I’m glad you recognize this now and are making a change. Awesome!

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Thanks all! I’m feeling pretty confident but trying to take it one day at a time. Or one hour LOL. Thanks for the encouragement :slight_smile:

Co grats on deciding to make a change.

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That's great girl. Make the change from within. I'm sure everyone here is rooting for you and pulling for you we're on the same team.

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I’m gonna have to check that app out

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I recommend it! There’s a short video they post everyday that really makes you think about why we drink (could apply to using too) and gets to the root of the mentality of it. It’s helped me ask myself hard questions.

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day 2 is tough... but u can do it! congrats on 2 days!!! its easier to stay sober than it is to get sober!

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