Day 2! I’m so tired. I’ve been sober more often

Day 2! I’m so tired. I’ve been sober more often than not this year but I want to STAY sober. I had so many plans with my garden this weekend and didn’t get a thing done. Disappointing. Just gotta get through the witching hours tonight then on to day 3.


If you feel like talking to anyone, I'm here going through the exact same thing

I was clean for 3 years and relapsed last yesr

I have 81 days and know exactly what it feels like to it get the things we want done

To not get the things we want done*

Tried to get sober for almost 10 years. Only could ever make it 30 days. Now I'm on day 645. Changed people, places and activities…really working on self love and self compassion…just being kind to myself and forgiving the relapses….and surrounding myself with supportive positive people like the ones here!!! But hard!!!! Basically learning how to live again!!! But sooooo worth the struggle to stay sober!!! Much support and positive energy to you!!!:yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart:


Exhaustion is totally normal. Take a break. Get enough rest. Take care of your garden later. Don't be too hard on yourself.

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Don’t feel guilty about your garden!! Give yourself some grace. Not drinking is an accomplishment in itself. That soil isn’t going anywhere :heart: