Day 13.

Day 13... This is the longest I've gone without drinking. The last time I tried I made it to day 11 and ended up drinking 3 days in a row. I'm so happy! I pray God gives me strength to continue fighting. :pray:


Keep it going!

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13 days is along time if your anything like me. Congrats on that. Just try to do it a day at a time an hour at a time the longer you do it becomes habit forming I am rooting for you


Meetings, sponsor & work the steps!!


Makes you excited about day 14, 15, 30…. it’s worth it. You’re worth it. Remember why you’re doing this!!! Keep on keeping on!

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Great job on the new milestone!

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2 weeks is a huge accomplishment, you should be so proud! Sometimes you gotta take things day by day. I just hit 6 months and never thought I would get this far. You got this!

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Thank you for everyone's support! It means alot. I've only told 2 ppl because I'm sure everyone else thinks I'm a broken record. But I'm honestly getting tired. Alcohol only puts me in a bad place. Crying, throwing up, headaches, blacking out not knowing how I'm acting. I dont want to live the rest of my life regretting not making a change. I'm 35 and been drinking for 15 years. It's time! I want more out of life!

Are you going to any AA meetings?

Get a copy of The Big Book and read it.

Don't go it alone.

Alcohol was only a symptom of our problem.

I only speak from experience which included many failed attempts to stop on my own willpower.


Wow I can so relate to this. I know we don’t know each other but I’m proud of you for having that level of self-awareness and for reaching this mile stone. It’s not easy but it’s worth it. Keep doing what kept you sober over the past 2 weeks, tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that!

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Yup!! You don't have to do this alone.

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Thank you so much. I will never stop trying. But I do pray this time actually sticks. Waking up every morning hangover free is absolutely amazing. I get so much done. Compared to sick in bed all day.

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