Day 10 Sober! 😍

Day 10 Sober!!! :heart_eyes:


Congrats!! :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:

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Woohoo! Congrats!
How do you feel?


Not gonna lie I have ALOT of Anxiety!! But I am proud of myself and know this too shall pass


Thank you for sharing. Anxiety is when I worry about the future. Future tripping isn’t fun. I try to ground myself when I start to go there. Quick breathing techniques or meditation usually helps me. And it’s good to reach out when feeling overwhelmed.
Keep up the good work

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My only concern with my anxiety & the future is when am I going to feel comfortable in my own skin to be out & about w friends & not drink!! It not even peer pressure from others.. it’s a security within myself I guess I needs to work on!!! I AM strong enough to say NO to Alcohol!!!


I greatly appreciate all of you!! Knowing someone cares about me and my sobriety makes it easier in my Choices!!

Congratulations :confetti_ball::tada:

Jodi, I completely understand. Patience is the key to this question. We must learn to have compassion for thy self when we have these self talks. In due time you will either be with new friends who are all sober or you will be able to hangout with old friends who still drink. For me I’m ok with people drinking around me but not for too long. I limit myself on the amount of time I want to be around that kind of behavior. I find it more pleasurable to have friends that are on the same path as me. This doesn’t mean I’m rude or don’t like my drinking friends. It’s more a sign of spiritual growth.
Remember it’s all about how we have the β€œself talk” that can make or break us. You are strong!

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My problem scenarios are Real & need to be validated!!! I grew up in the music festival scene & am very active in it!! Last night was a testament to my sobriety as I was offered numerous people buying me drinks and I turned down every single one!!! I naturally have social anxiety so I am dealing with that whole heartedly!! Thanks for your message.

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Congrats! 10 days is great!!

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Congratulations :tada:

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