Day 1 Sober. Starting recovery today

Starting recovery today. Feeling pretty anxious about it. defini need some support to make it happen tho


Congratulations!!! I know it may seem like a long road. One day at a time. :pray::heart:


Working on it


Congrats bro.


How’s it going? Today is my day one for the I don’t even know how many times


Hey Bruce how have you been doing?

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That’s great though! are you going to try to do anything different?

I’m trying some different apps like this one. I’ve been through treatment and don’t like the 12 step program. I’ve really related to Refuge Recovery, it’s a Buddhist view on recovery

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day 4. Elevated anxiety but no cravings or urges to drink because I know it’ll make things worse. hour by hour, day by day i will fight through the anxiety and things will get better! @rachel80588 @Miss.chaos How are things going for you?


Thank you!!! @mjg44017 @daryl85539 @andrew85095

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Yes ive heard of refuge recovery ! all good things!! That’s so awesome- definitely try to get plugged in there I think that’s a really great idea

Sounds like a plan, i did hour by hour for a while there. Stick with it, it gets easier you just have to push through. The anxiety could last a long time but you’ll learn how to push through as you get more experience being uncomfortable

I'm proud of you. As you said 1 day at a time. To help curb your anxiety you may want to practice meditation and/or deep breathing exercises.

The journey for 1000 mile begins with one step is how the old saying goes. I believe it to be more accurate that the journey of 1000 miles begins with deciding to go. You can do this man

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First off I want to tell you much love & respect, I had a sponsor one time tell me that the definition of honesty is ( The lack of intent to deceive self). With that being said, what were you willing to do to use ? Same applies to staying clean…what ever it takes….

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The end of my day one. So tired of being sick and tired.

It helped me when I blocked people who were using friends start all over again. It's hard but you can do it.

I know this is hard to believe but it gets easier and there will be bad days just like usual.. but once you set a goal and count your days you find it’s worth living for!

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Hope all is well Bruce. If you ever need support or just an ear I’m here.

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Me too congratulations we can do this…one day at a time