Day 1 for me here. Tired of feeling like a

Great to know, thank you!

Day 1 for me too. Woke up a few days ago at 4 am and couldn’t sleep. Felt sad the majority of the day with tears coming out and not knowing why. Of course drinking doesn’t help and that’s the root of most of my problems.


Keep coming back no matter what ! don’t ever stop coming back

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That’s a hard thing to admit. The last time I stopped I literally had a break down over it snowing on top of my newly bloomed tulips. My doc prescribed me anti-depressants. Hoping I feel better this time.

Agree! Thanks Jen! Let’s go day 2! So far it sucks lol.

Hi Renee, Welcome.. Congrats on your First Day..

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Congratulations and welcome Renee!:partying_face:

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Good for you. The best part of being sober is waking up that way.
So fall in love hard with that feeling.
All the best to you.

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Sometimes it’s just one moment at a time

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Awesome let's keep the tape rolling of how horrible u feel loaded or drinking and that will help along with lots of meetings so ur not feeling so alone

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Me too

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Day 4 - had someone reach out to me today to check on me. Wow, the support. I’m totally grateful for this community. I did not drink today - my husband helped me through - I’d like to say I was the strong one but I wasn’t. I would have drank if it was in front of me. I’m grateful for him. Looking forward to a better night’s sleep and waking up not hung over and wanting to stick my head under running cold water in an attempt to get myself together.