Day 1 again

Day 1 again


Hang in there. Keep your head up

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Thank you

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I'm sorry. But you got this.

Welcome back accountability partner.

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Heyy!! Thanks

We can do this! We just can't give up! I believe in you.

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Thank you. I believe in you too

Keep coming no matter what

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How are you doing so far, Gene?

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You got this !

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Thank you


Great as of now. I found a sponser! Still sober

Thank you!

Let the milestones happen. Don’t sweat about what you’ve done or what you hope to accomplish. Do work, keep living and being. The number may have reset, but don’t discount the work you’ve done to get you through each previous day on this earth. You got this.


Thank you

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If you keep on doing what you've always done you're going to keep on getting what you've always gotten! You have to get to the falling off point where you cannot imagine life with a drink or without. It's called being sick and tired of being sick and tired. I too was in a miserable situation for many years until I started showing up at meetings and doing what was suggested to me. There's a whole life out there waiting for you but you have to be willing to make the change by starting right from where you're at. This is the solution right here Gene.